Nomination Procedure

  • All carnival nominations need to be submitted to the Mackay Surf Club Office on the clubs nomination form available from the clubs website or the clubs office. Under circumstances where the form is not available nominations may be submitted in written format/email to the club office provided your name, age, carnival nominating for, events nominating for and availability for teams is provided. Failure to supply all information may result in your nomination not being processed. Nominations can be emailed to using subject heading: CARNIVAL NOMINATION <COMPETITOR NAME> <NAME OF CARNIVAL>
  • Receipt of Payment must accompany all nomination forms; nominations will not be processed until payment has been provided. The nomination fee will be published when carnival entries open via the website or Weekly Update and may include a nominal administration charge that will be retained by the club.

Payment can be made by any of the following methods:

  1. Via Surf Lifesaving Online-Payment Gateway- a receipt is automatically generated for you to record on your nomination form. Please send an email to the club to advise that payment has been made.
  2. by direct deposit to  Westpac Bank
    ACCOUNT: Mackay Surf Life Saving Club
    BSB:   034 195
    ACC:  593197
    (Include Competitor Name and Carnival Name in Reference field)
    If you are using this method please send an email to the club to request your receipt number.
  3. Via Credit Card over the phone during office hours (10 am-2 pm Tues to Fri)- receipt number will be provided over the phone.
  4. At the club office by cash or Credit card (receipt number will be provided)

If paying by direct deposit or Surf Lifesaving Online use your name and name of carnival in the reference area, (eg JSmith Fees Bowen Carnival).

  • Nominations must be received by the “clubs” closure date, (the clubs closure date will fall a few days before the event closure to allow for nominations to be input). Failure to nominate by the clubs closure date may result in a late fee being charged for which payment up front will be required before nomination can be processed. The club does not guarantee processing of late nominations.  Branch carnival’s dates and clubs closing dates will be advertised on the club website, in club newsletters and weekly updates.
  • Once payment has been received your nomination will be forwarded to the club’s Team Manager who will input nominations, including those selected in team events. Confirmation of your nomination will be emailed to you.
  • If you intend on competing in carnivals outside of the branch it is your responsibility to submit your nomination and payment to the club within a reasonable time frame to allow for nominations to be processed.  Please remember you must notify branch of your intention to compete at carnivals that fall outside of our branch area. These carnivals may not appear on our clubs publications and therefore all associated tasks remain your responsibility.  Please remember as with all nominations, nomination fees must be paid before your nomination can be processed.