Surf sports and Carnivals

Being active is part of the Australian way of life. The Surf Life Saving movement and Mackay Surf Lifesaving Club encourages members to be active, to do more, and to be more.
Our sport forms a significant component of who we are as an organization and all our members have the opportunity to participate in local, regional, state, national, and international surf sports competitions. Unlike other sports, the purpose of our competitions is to improve lifesaving skills to keep our beaches safe.

There are many disciplines to cater to everyone’s interest, from swimming events to board, ski paddling, and surf boats, as well as events that don’t even require you to get your toes wet such as beach sprints and beach flags events. Off the beach, surf lifesavers also have the opportunity to refine their swimming skills in the pool and participate in pool rescue competitions. For more information on surf sports disciplines, you can visit 

At Mackay, we have a dedicated team of volunteer accredited coaches to help you develop and improve surf sports skills in preparation for competition. Check the website and Weekly Updates for training times.

It is important that a member who wishes to compete must be a proficient and financial member of the Club and must also have satisfied their patrol and/or award obligations as defined by Surf Life Saving Queensland. All lifesavers, including Nippers, are required to complete a competition evaluation to prove competency before they can compete in any carnival. A member’s proficiency is valid from January 1st to December 31st each year. This must be completed as per the Life Saving Australia Manual under a certified supervisor. It is advisable members complete their proficiencies early in the season on the club’s proficiency days, (as advertised in the Weekly Update and club calendar) to ensure they are eligible to compete.

SLSA also requires patrolling members to complete a minimum number of patrol hours per calendar year (1st January to 31st December) to be eligible to compete. Active Cadet, Active Junior, and Active Senior must complete a minimum of 25 hours. Reserve Active, long service, and life members must complete 12 hours. For new members joining, the number of patrol hours required is on a pro-rata basis of 4 hours per month. Nipper or Junior Activity members must have obtained their relevant Junior Age award to nominate for Branch and State championship carnivals.